
Castello di Montefioralle, "Uno dei borghi più belli d'Italia"

Montefioralle near Greve in Chianti

I Borghi più belli d'Italia

Montefioralle is rated one of the most beautiful villages in Italy
"Uno dei borghi più belli d'Italia"
as are
Scarperia in the Mugello, Loro Ciuffenna, Poppi, Pitigliano, Cetona, Panicale, San Casciano dei Bagni and Anghiari.

Frittelle Festival near Saint Joseph's day
Festa o Sagra delle Frittelle

Frittelle are sweet fried rice cakes
- they are extraordinarily good!

Saturday 22nd March 2 pm to 7 pm and Sunday 23rd March 10 am to 6 pm 2025.

Shuttle bus from Greve to Montefioralle.

Festa delle Frittelle Montefioralle

"I vini del castello"

Rassegna di vini e prodotti tipici
Wine and local products festival

The village of Montefioralle is probably one of the most ancient in Chianti and is still today enclosed within its original walls. These were initially two circuits but houses now fill the space between the original structures. The walls were octagonal in outline, with four gates, modifications of which still exist. During the Middle Ages it was one of the largest military and administrative centres of the area. The first notice of the settlement is from 1085. It belonged to the families Ricasoli, Benci, Gherardini and Vespucci. In 1325 it was sacked by Castruccio Castracani.

church of Santo Stefano Montefioralle

At the highest point of the village, the church of S. Stefano, rebuilt in the 17 C and 18 C, may be visited. In the wide nave are a number of works of art, notably a precious work of the 13 C depicting the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus and two angels, attributed to the Master of Bagnano or to the Maestro of Greve. In the presbytery is the "Trinity and four Saints", an anonymous work showing the influences of Neri di Bicci and Andrea del Castagno. On the left is a painting of the Virgin Mary with the John the Baptist and Saint Stephen, a work of the school of Lorenzo Monaco (beginning of the 15 C). Until 1630, the name of the village was Monteficalle. Since the 18 C, this fortified village has been overtaken in importance by Greve in Chianti, originally a simply local market.

Communal dinner in Montefioralle

Communal dinner, held once a year in Montefioralle

Reference to Montefioralle under its old name in a pastoral poem by Boccaccio (1313 - 1375).

Per la contesa che faceasi si desta
tal, che prima dormia malinconoso,
e, con superbia rizzando la cresta,
cominciò a picchiare l’uscio furioso:
e tanto dentro vi diè della testa,
ch’egli entrò dentro, non già con riposo,
ma con battaglia grande ed urlamento
e forse che di sangue spargimento.

Ma poi che messer Mazzone ebbe avuto
Monteficalli, e nel castello entrato,
fu lietamente dentro ricevuto
da què che prima l’aveavi contrastato;
ma poi che molto si fu dibattuto,
per la terra lasciare in buono stato,
per pietà lagrimò, e del castello
uscì poi fuor, umil più ch’un agnello.

(From: Ninfale fiesolano, ottave 244-245 [composed 1344-45])


Montefioralle for your holiday in Tuscany

Montefioralle is an ideal location from which to enjoy real Chianti country life. The village itself is virtually free of cars making it a wonderful place for children to run free. The ancient passageways, formerly the entrances to the castle, fascinate children (and adults, too) coming from abroad. Vineyards stretch away in every direction round about and, for those who like a country hike, there are paths and dirt roads (the famous "strade bianche" of Tuscany) passing by renaissance villas, stone farmhouses and ancient parish churches (pieve).

There is one restaurant within Montefioralle and a second one 100 m down the road towards Greve in Chianti. Greve itself is 20 minutes away on foot and has an excellent supermarket as well as many speciality food outlets and restaurants. The comfortable pullman bus to Florence leaves from Greve and takes an hour to reach the centre of Florence.

Among the sights within 15 minutes drive of Montefioralle are: Badia a Passignano, Castello di Verrazzano, Castello Vicchiomaggio and Panzano in Chianti. And the Via Chiantigiana, state highway 222, one of the most enjoyable motoring routes in Italy, runs through Greve on its way from Florence to Siena.

Florence and Siena, in opposite directions, are 45 minutes away by car.

Vacation accommodations in Montefioralle

Casa Forese,

Casa Forese Chianti vacation rental

Casa Forese offers beautiful vacation accommodation for 2 adults and 1 or 2 children. The house has large, enclosed garden and a children's playground opposite. Click here for more about Casa Forese Chianti vacation rental.


Some of the sights at Montefioralle

> > > Click the pictures for a larger view < < <

Montefioralle sunrise

Stormy sunrise over Montefioralle seen from Montefili

Montefioralle entry passage

An entry passage through the old outer wall

Montefioralle lion head

Lion head horse hitch inside the main gate of Montefioralle

Montefioralle loggia

An entry passage through the old outer wall

Montefioralle street

The circular road inside Montefioralle

Montefioralle well

The well below the walls towards Greve in Chianti

Montefioralle villa

A 19 C villa inside the site of the keep of Montefioralle

Montefioralle tower

One of the remaining towers of Montefioralle

An entry lane at Montefioralle

An entry lane at Montefioralle

Looking for a place to stay in Tuscany?

Tuscany vacation rentals

Stay in a Chianti farm house apartment for less than the price of a small hotel room. Click here for a large selection of beautiful farm house apartment and room vacation rentals in Chianti, plus all you need to know about Chianti.

Montefioralle in Tuscany


If you are interested in castles -
Chianti Castles route ("La strada dei Castelli del Chianti")
provides itineraries for viewing and in many cases visiting the castles, walled abbeys and villages, and fortified farm houses in the area of Chianti around Gaiole.

The Castle of Meleto

The Castle of Meleto is near Gaiole in Chianti, Italy. It was documented as early as the 11 C as a possession of the monks of nearby Coltibuono.

More about Montefioralle






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